الموضوع: very important rules
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قديم 30-07-2008, 05:41 PM
الصورة الرمزية falas6in
falas6in falas6in غير متصلة
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صاحبة الموضوع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
الدولة: بين حرفين
المشاركات: 117
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
falas6in is on a distinguished road
المشاهدات: 1198 | التعليقات: 5 very important rules

السلام عليكم

أنا عضوة جديدة في المنتدى أتمنى

ان شاء الله احقق التميز مع

هذا المنتدى

أنا قررت اضيف هاد الموضوع نتيجة إيماني بإنا ما بنقدر نتعلم لغة من دون قواعد من شان هيك قررت أبدا بسلسة من الدروس عن الTensesأو الأزمنة و هذي من أولى الخطوات لتعلم الانجليزية


we should know at first that there are Three type of the tense:

1.the past tense
2.the present tense
3.the future tense

ThE PaSt TEnSe

also the past tense has types we will learn it today

1.ThE PaSt SimPLe TEnSe

We use the past simple tense to talk about past actions and situations.

The Rule:

+ v.2 (past simple)

The keys:

last (week, year, night), yesterday, ago, in 1987, when I was ....

In the positive form for the regular verb we should add (ed)

*if the verb was end in (y preceded by a consonant letter)we should change the -y to ied

But there are some verbs we couldn't add ed in so we change it .it's the(irregular verbs)*see the table in the end of the lesson


I arrived late last night. (regular verb)
He came back late last night. (irregular verb)

In past simple tense we use(did) in to make negatives and to make questions too.


He went to Dubai last week
Question:Did he go to Dubai last week?
Answer:yes he did
No he didn't

2.ThE PaSt ConTiNuOus TEnSe

*We use the past continuous tense to talk about something that was already happening in the past at a particular time.

The Rule:

He/She/It/I was
+ + (v+ ing)
They/We/You were


-Jack was working on the report last night at 10.15
-They were working on the report at six.

*also the past continuous used with Something that was happening when something important took place
She was speaking on the phone when he arrived.

*And with Something that was happening while something else was happening
She was working on her homework while I was preparing dinner.

In the past continuous we use(was&were) in negative and questions.

I wasn't working when he came into the room.

Were they calling?

3.ThE PaSt PeRfECt TEnSe

When we use the past perfect tense?

*Something that had happened before something else took place.


I had eaten lunch before they arrived.

*Something that had happened over a period of time in the past before another point in the of past.


Jane had studied in England before she did her master's at Harvard.

*With wish to express a desire about the past

She wishes she had known about her problems.

This tense is often used with time conjunctions,such as,after,when,once,as soon as.

The Rule:

+ had + v.3(past participle)

In Negative:

Subject +had not (hadn't)+ past participle

They hadn't eaten before he finished the job

In Question:

Question word +had +subject+ past participle

What had he thought before I asked the question?

4.ThE PaSt PeRfEcT ConTiNuoUs

We use The past perfect continuous in the same way that we use the past perfect but it's used when we want to emphasize that one action was longer than the other

The Rule:

+ had been+ (v+ing)


He had been working for two hours when she telephoned.

this tense usually come with When and after.


they had been working for an hour,they went home

In Negative:

Subject +had not (hadn't) been+ verb+ ing

she hadn't been paying attention for long when he asked the question.

In Question:

Question word (often 'How long') + had been+ subject +verb+ ing

How long we been working before he arrived?
to be contenued

very important rules

الموضوع الأصلي : very important rules || القسم : "الأرشيف" مغلق || المصدر : منتديات بنات دوت كوم || كاتبة الموضوع : falas6in

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