عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم منذ /02-04-2011, 10:55 PM   #2

رفيعة المقام
ملكة التنسيق
مقآمې رفېع ~

    حالة الإتصال : رفيعة المقام غير متصلة
    رقم العضوية : 35608
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2007
    المشاركات : 2,360
    بمعدل : 0.38 (مشاركة/اليوم)
    النقاط : رفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud ofرفيعة المقام has much to be proud of
    التقييم : 1263
    تقييم المستوى : 45
    الأسهم : 0 (أسهم/سهم)
    الجواهر : (جواهر/جوهرة)
    عدد الدعوات : 1
    زيارات ملفي : 69111
مزاجي :
    استعرضي : عرض البوم صور رفيعة المقام عرض مواضيع رفيعة المقام عرض ردود رفيعة المقام
    تجديني هنا :
     MMS :



موضوع حلو ..
ربي يوفقج ..
عدلت بعض الشغلات ..
بس حسيت بعده في ركاكة بالصياغة ..
استعيني بكتب من مكتبة الجامعه / كتب جوجل ..

بس معقولة ما عندكم مركز كتابة ولا تقوية في الجامعة ؟!
الله يعينكم ..
نحن نسير عندهم ويعلمونا اذا في اغلاط ..

على العموم انصحج تاخذين كورسات كتابة انجليزية ..
لانج بتتوهقين عقب .. >> اسأليني ..
مع اني اووكيه ولله الحمد في الكتابة..
بس وربي اغلب الاحيان تطلع اغلاط ..

Teens is a phase of human life. It is one of the most difficult stages experienced by the human.

Stages of teens : the length of time that is called " Teenager " and it differs from one society to another. In some communities it is short , while it is long in others.

Therefore , scientists divided it into three phases:
1- The first stage of teen :
It is characterized by a quick biological changes

between 11 and 14.
2- The Middle stage of teens :
(14 -18 ) It is the stage of completion of biological changes

between 14 and 18.

3- Late teens : ( between 18 and 21 ) Where the young man or woman becomes adult in appearance and behavior .

Lots of parents are suffering because of their progeny how are teenagers. They are afraid of bad friends around their son or daughter. The teenager demand more freedom and independence. They are unable to distinguish between right and wrong .

The most prominent problems in teenager
Internal conflict : -1
when the teenager is suffering from several internal conflicts, include: Conflict between independence from family and adoption by them. Also, conflict between the remnants of childhood and the requirements of masculinity and femininity.

Alienation and rebellion :-2
Adolescent complain that parents are not understanding them, and therefore tries to break up from the positions and constants, and the wishes of the parents as a means to assert and prove its uniqueness and differentiation, and this requires opposition to the authority of parents; because it is no power overhead or any direction but it is a disregard unbearable abilities and mental

Shyness and introversion :-3
Cuddle excess or cruelties excess lead to a sense of adolescent to relying on others to solve problems, and resort to withdraw from the social world, to world of introversion and shyness.

The disturbing behavior :-4
it is caused by desire of adolescents to achieve a purposes of them without regard to public interest.
And thus they may , shout , steal, kick and wrestle with young adults, argue over trivial things or involved in problems.

5- Nervousness and irritability :
Teenager acting through anger and stubbornness, he or she wants to achieve its demands by force and violence or overload. They could be so nervous and cause a big annoyance for the people around them.

* ways to remedy the problems experienced by the adolescent :
Psychologists and Experts agreed about the importance of involving adolescents in the discussions of scientific organization, dealing with treatment problems, and accustom themto put their problems, and discussed with the adults in the confidence and openness.

والسموحه ,,


رحمتك يا رب ..!

ربي فرّج همّي وهمّ كل مكروب ..~

من مواضيع : رفيعة المقام

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